Visiting with other weavers and seeing what they are working on is very enlightening. It gets those weaving juices going when you might be in a rut on what to weave. From the basic cardboard loom to the 8 shaft loom, see what we have been up to.
A new weaver! He wove this on his cardboard loom. It is awesome!! He chose the yarns to use and where to place them. |
Sam W used rosepath for these towels. |
A new-to-us book. Lots of 'REP' info too. Thanks to Sam W. for sharing this. |
Sam B. and a wonderful scarf. |
Dawn and her family used some Oklahoma red clay to make a 'dye pot' and dye her t-shirt. She said it was very interesting and took a few days to complete the process but was loads of fun. |
Katie has been at it weaving another blanket. Here she is showing the crocheted strips she used to connect the three panel blanket. |
Katie also wove some placements to go with some napkins she wove earlier. Outstanding! |
Vicki and her painted warps! The feel and drape is like butter. |
Vicki also shared her blue towels. |
Barbara loves to make different weaving tool. Here is a 'coffee stirrer' reed/heddle for a backstrap loom. |
Jane shared some wonderful hand spun mohair and alpaca. |
Jane also recycled some weft rags and wove a table runner. |
I found my example of Theo Moorman. I made this small pillow with my sample. Katie gave a great program last month on this technique. |
Bo has been weaving scarves. They are 'yummy'!! |
Bo also shared this very soft and beautiful blanket. |
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