Before I get to far into these bookmarks, I wanted to share the Bateman Boulevard runners. I wove three versions. I washed them in the sink with dawn dish soap, let them dry a few hours on a towel, then ironed them dry. This first one had a treadling error, so I didn't hem it. It will be put in the 'oops' pile and may some day turn into a purse, pin cushions, book cover......what ever...... The weft color was the same gold that was in the warp. I have a friend (you know who you are) who will tell you that this runner is "orange- I don't care if it does says it's gold". LOL For this one, I treadled 8-9-10-9-8 pattern treadles for the center area. The pattern shows up better in person.

Now this next one I have treadled the same two treadles to achieve the center area. I think that works better. Looks more like the feathers of the Eagle I was going for. I used a Bambu 7 light brown as the pattern weft. It looked good on the loom, not too sure I like it off. The effect is like a white on white. You have to look at an angle to see the pattern.
This last one is the one I am calling my success. I wanted it for the kitchen table and was afraid the color of the light in the kitchen would cause the cream pattern weft to look dingy. (I still have the old light bulbs in there). But I think it's OK. I treadled it the same as the center runner.
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