Sunday, November 15, 2015

Shibori Dye

I finished one towel, but it's really more of an example towel. Anyway... here it is drying on the back porch. I have turquoise on one side and lemon yellow on the other. And guess what? I will have green is places.

 Now this...mess... I had a piece of cloth I wasn't real excited with, so I took a needle and thread and did some stitching shibori. So that is this.....  we will see if it is something when dried and ironed.


Diane in Oregon said...

Looking forward to the "reveal" for both of these! I've done scarves before (woven shibori & crimp cloth), but it never occurred to me to shibori towels (duh!).

Ann said...

I try to weave towels when learning some thing new. You can really mess up a towel, but it still works like a towel. LOL