Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bookmarks begin

A good thing about weaving  bookmarks is using up your stash. So, I went to my one drawer that has left over painted warps in it.

One of my weaving guilds has a dye party every summer, and I usually plan on dyeing two or three projects. I will also have a couple of chains of 100 ends to help 'sop up' the left-over dyes. That way I have a few warps already dyed and ready to go onto the loom. Here are my choices:

left-over painted warps

And once I decide on which threads to use, I will need a draft. I have a couple of drafts I go to. One is the overshot bookmark I shared on Jan. 31st. Another is a very simple single two-tie (summer and winter) that I used for an exchange with the Canadian Weavers Guild last year.  This draft is quick to thread and has lots and lots of different treadling available. And that is with just the one of several tie-ups that could be used.

Single two-tie bookmark drafts
So I have picked out the red 10/2 Tencel warp and have my draft. Time to get busy and crank out some bookmarks!

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