Monday, August 22, 2016

An Inkle of Bateman

Weaving is slow going this month. I am working on a two shaft and an eight shaft project. I really got interested in weaving pick-up on my inkle loom. Thanks to my friend Anita who let the "duh" moment enter my brain. She is a great teacher!

So this loom is beside my chair and I can weave while watching TV. 

Another project I have going is some yardage on eight shafts with some Bateman Combination Weave. I am using some Patons Metallic ribbon yarn for this. I have a red warp (cotton) with the pattern thread 63% nylon, 28% acrylic, and 9% wool. The tabby is the same as the warp.

  I should be able to get at least 4 yards of yardage woven. Excited to see how this looks off the loom. If you see my threading error, just look away! 

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