Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Cabool Guild Meeting May 2016

Just sit back and enjoy. We had everything from inkle weaving with a ridig heddle reed to overshot to woodwork to shared love of weaving. Check us out!

Shirley and her summer and winter wool blanket. Love the great scarf too!

Shirley and silk into a purse. 

Katie and her towels.

Carol and overshot.

Janes spinning.

Vicki and her many towels. Just when does she sleep? LOL

Dawn had this great towel too.

Larry made some of the cross holders that Ann (me) likes to use. It is great we have a weaver and woodworker all in one!

Barbara and her linen.
Barbara likes to do 'inkle' weaving using a ridig heddle reed. Great portable weaving. 

Gayle has been knitting socks and she crocheted that bag from plastic sacks. She is home now and thinks she is going to give her  looms a workout! 


  1. I recently joined your blog and wondered about the cross holder mention. Could you tell me if you have a past blog entry about using one? If not could you do one? I am intrigued with the idea. Thank You!

  2. Thanks for joining. If you look under my LABELS at "cross holder" and under "tip" and "tips" you can get an idea about the cross holder. I found this idea from an old Handwoven when they had their Tips and Tricks articles. Sorry, don't remember what issue, but it was maybe in the 70's or 80's.

    Thanks again for joining my blog.
