Sunday, December 27, 2015

Ta Da.... Overshot-Woven Shibori

Just off the loom and laying on my floor I have two different overshot runners AND a little Woven Shibori !!! All on the same warp and tie-up! I will have fringe on the smaller runner and a turned hem on the long one. The Woven Shibori is just for fun and to use up the rest of the warp!

First I wove this small-ish runner.
Next I wove a longer runner.
The Woven Shibori will have to tell me what it wants to be a bit later. I will pull resist threads, apply dye and let it dry, then take out the resist threads. Next will be a wash and iron. Future Fun!!

Finishing off this overshot warp, I have Woven Shibori!! You can see where I had to  change to yellow resist thread because I ran out of the white. 

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