Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Weaving Diva November 2015

Another really great guild meeting. I shared a little yesterday of the program on DPW given by Marty. Now I will share the show and tell. We learn how mistakes were made and corrected. We learn how mistakes turn into great things not expected. And we all learn!

Tomi and her great color work in plain weave.

Missy just kept tying on and weaving on this Deflected Double Weave towel warp. 

We loved the different effects on Missy's samples. just by changing the weft color. 

Marty had fun in the dye pot. 

More from Marty. A Indigo pot was used too!

Janice was at the same dye party as Marty. These small cloths are just awesome.

Janice took her cotton yarn to the dye party and has more colors for her tapestries. 

Marilynn shared three twill block towels. Great use of color and pattern. Are we sure we don't want to do a towel exchange?????

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