Friday, October 2, 2015

September To Remember

I hope I will be able to remember all the great tips and tricks I heard at the Cabool weavers guild meeting. What a great bunch of people who are as passionate about weaving as I am. We all seem to have our own niches, but really love to hear about other areas of weaving. And sometimes, we cross over to their area. It is like a rug weaver who discovered really thin thread and starts making bookmarks. Or how about the weaver who hasn't woven a rug, but love to see and hear about them. Guild meeting are such a great place to charge those little gray brain cells!
Barbara wove up some shadow weave towels. 

Becky working on M's and O's.

Becky also worked on twill.

And Becky had these painted warp scarves. Lovethe orange!!

Bo created these linen, ribbon and birch tree pockets. She will fill with flowers. 

Dawn has been weaving and felting hot pads and mug rugs. 

Janewove some really great towels using M's and O's and 10/2 cotton.

Jane has also been weaving on her Inkle loom. She has made some pick-up bookmarks.

Sam brought a rug to share. 

Vicki has used a painted warp to do some Rep Weave. Yikes that is just wonderful.

Vicki also wove some huck lace scarves. Gold, silver and black. 

Can we just say, that Vicki finished a few towels! They are point twill and love the stripes.
Gayle and Barbara are knitting socks!!

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