Monday, August 17, 2015

Working A Little Magic

When working on a new project, the questions seem to flow. I find that the weaving of the shibori ground cloth lets my mind dream. Will I use two dye colors? Will I use a discharge on it? Will this resist pattern I am weaving turn our looking what I imagine? Should I have more than four ground picks between resist rows? What happens if I only use two of my pattern treadles? What happens when I apply dye to the cloth before I pull the resist threads?
I have 6 pick of plain weave between resist threads.

I have 4 picks of plain weave between resist threads.

These are two different patterns that I am weaving into the ground cloth. In this case, the ground cloth is plain weave. My resist pattern is an overshot-turned into summer and winter draft.To get those long floats, I have just dropped the tie-down threads on shafts one and two. There are four pattern blocks I am playing around with.

I am also using up some of that 5/2 cotton I have been saving. Just enough to keep but not really enough to do a whole project with. In this case it was just what I needed to use for my resist threads that I will gather and then pull out later. Strong, slick, and not to big. My ground warp and weft is 12/2 rayon.

I will continue to let my mind wander while continuing to weave on this long warp.

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