Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Recharged and Inspired

Nothing like a guild meeting to get the juices flowing again. I had missed the last couple of meeting and was glad to see my weaving friends. The show-and-tell and visiting hit the spot. I gave the program on COLOR warps

Larry shared with us some towels he wove. Larry does such wonderful work. These might be for a sister, so don't tell!

Dawn and her towels. She didn't get them hemmed in time for the meeting, but we are glad she brought them to share anyway!! Color is great.
A labor of love!! Becky's mother knitted the squares in 1942 . While going through her mothers things, Becky found the squares and is now putting them together for her mom's 90th birthday. It is a secret, so don't tell!
Vicki had some towels and  hand  painted M's and O's scarves to share. Can you just say "yummy!" 
Guest 'Ann' from Virginia shared her 1st fully completed project! Great Job!!
A towel to treasure!

Some of her hand painted warps ready to be woven.

Bo had some great scarves. Love the buttons.

Here Bo is showing Shirley how to wear one of her scarves. This won't fall off even during high winds.

This is me showing off a summer and winter scarf  I made a while ago. Since my program was on color I thought I would share it again.  It is a painted warp with a solid weft.
Jane and her inkle bookmarks made with silk thread.

Jane and her rosepath towels. Awesome colors from her stash.

Jane with her linen place mats. 
Shirley D. brought some great Bumberet towels! Her color combinations are grand-- all from her 'stash'!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Ann. I love being able to see photos, especially when I have to miss a meeting. Reading this on a beautiful day in Colorado.
