Monday, April 6, 2015

A Lesson Learned - EPI and Me

These towels are woven with 8/2 cotton in the warp and weft. At an epi of 24 they turned out a little to stiff for my liking**. I was thinking about the twill, but I think between the plain weave and the basket weave I should have dented for them. The dent should have been 20 - maybe...

So another lesson learned. Think about which is the most dominant when having more than one structure in your project. I had basket weave and plain weave and just a little twill. So should have dented for the plain weave. But what is the fun if you don't learn while creating fun stuff?

I like the tracking that shows up in the plain weave area. Gives the towels a homestead look. A towel you won't be afraid to use.

**amyfiber did tell me that this was sett to close.

1 comment:

  1. They are so fresh and pretty looking. I think you did a great job on these and learned something to boot!

