Monday, February 9, 2015

Weaving Prep Work for Snowflake Twill

So I finally finished the warping and now I have the threads pulled through the reed. I am using 8/2 cotton sett at 18 epi. I have dented 1-2-1-2 in my 12 dent reed.

Looks like I need to replace my ruler on my shuttle race. 

Another thing I need to do before I can throw that first pick is to count out my heddles and get them balanced across my heddle frame. My Macomber loom has hanging heddle frames, so it is important to get a balance on it. 

I have started counting out the heddles I will need for this project. Here I am using a paper clip to hold back the heddles not needed. 


  1. Ann -- I'm a little surprised at the sett. For 8/2 cotton, I prefer 20 epi for plain weave and 24 for twill. Seems like 18 would be very loose for a twill?

  2. I have used this sett for summer and winter with this yarn and I like the feel I get. Maybe I should do a sample before I weave the runner. I am only putting on 6 yards, so should have plenty for sampling. My table is 7 foot long, so a runner of 4 1/2 feet should be about right.
