Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Bronson Lace continues...

Go the reed slayed to 16 epi, but I am still not satisfied with this sett. Not for a scarf-anyway! So I just kept weaving and wondering what I would end up with. A little crochet strap and you get this:

As you can see, it is wet. I think it is laying on a towel made by Dawn.

A few thoughts about this Bronson lace draft.

1... It had me put every other thread on the back (shaft 7). I don't know if that was my main problem or not. My shafts all raised instead of some staying down like they were suppose to.

2...... I tried to work with the sett to get more drape.(and help with the shaft problem)

3...... Made a nice dense fabric not suitable for a scarf, but OK for a purse.

Still working on the summer and winter painted warp scarf. But will be thinking about what to do with the rest of this Bronson lace warp........................................... any ideas?

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