Sunday, October 5, 2014

Swedish Lace and Tracking

Some days you just want to sit and hem towels... well, some do-some don't!
Here are some of the towels I did from the article in the Jan/Feb 2006 Handwoven by Vicki Tardy. I found it very interesting to see the 'tracking' that showed up. These are just out of the dryer, not ironed!


  1. Beautiful towels, I think the tracking adds a nice element.

  2. Exciting-looking fabric. Why is the name of the Swedish Lace?

  3. Nice textures. I like especially the red one.

  4. These towels were woven using Swedish Lace. A two block weave. The places where some plain weave shows up has what I call tracking. It looks like a twill, but is plain weave. My fibers, sett, and beat all make it happen.
