Monday, October 13, 2014

Another Project - Bronson Spot and Lace Combined

Yikes.... I just realized that by November and December I will need to have woven my 'surprises' for my two different guild gift exchanges. Well..... I am working one here. It is nubby silk, two colors in the warp, I wound them separately on the wrapping board, Now I am combining them as I pull them through the reed.
I am going to weave a version of Bronson lace and spot combined.

I am using two different 'threading blocks' to hold the crosses while I pull each thread into it's appropriate place. Keeps both of my hands free while I work.

If you have this publication: Versatile Bronson by Dorothy S. Burton, Monograph Five, you can find my draft on page 41.  I will either weft this with the yellow, beige, or I might try a cream. SAMPLING to come after I get this the tensioned on the loom.

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