Monday, October 27, 2014

A Meeting of the Weavers

Jane dyed some cotton.
I have not been weaving very much lately. As you tell by my being absent from blog-land. I did attend the Cabool Weavers meeting today and had my socks knocked off. I I didn't wear any socks today, but if I had socks on they would have flown off! Check out some of the show and tell:

Vicki's twill blocks towels
Jane 's scarf

Sam shared an overshot bath mat and a miniature overshot sample.
Vicki painted a few warp chains!
Shirley C. shared her painted warp chains.

Shirley C. weaving shadow weave. The top towel she used three colors while the bottom two towels are two color.
These towels from Shirley D. are yummy!!!

more show and tell tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I love the shadow weave, hopefully I am able to learn enough to do some myself some day... Thanks for sharing!

    Marion from Germany
