Saturday, July 12, 2014

Echo and Iridescent Colors

If you are a member of Complex Weavers, you know about this new weaving book by Marian Stubenitsky. If not and you are wondering about shadow weave, warp weave, echo weave, Moire, four color doubleweave, multicolor double twill and maybe turned taquete or turned samitum........ you must get this book. The photographs alone are worth the price. If you are only four shafts or thirty-two, there is something in this book for you. According to the book, you might check out www (dot) weefschool (dot) nl   or marianstubenitsky (@) gmail (dot) com. I have only had the book for a few days, but am just really 'jazzed' about all the info she has in this very high-class impressive 233 page book!

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