Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Shuttles and Rug

I haven't worked with stick shuttles very much over the years. As a matter of fact, I had to buy four just to do this rug project. I wasn't sure what size to get, so I got  medium ones. At least 18" looked like a medium one to me.

So far, I have found out that I needed to load two different shuttles with the same yarn so that when I came to the end of a repeat I didn't have to stop, load the shuttle, then try to remember where I was.
Here is showing the shuttles and it also shows that I am using three strands of wool.

I am at the 9 inch mark. My loom is slipping and I am having to "dork" with it to keep the tension tight. I am used to this on this loom. I suspect it's the operator! Or bad maintenance on the operators part!! Slows me down, but that could be a good thing!!!


  1. You'll have an easier time with your shuttles if you wind in figure eights on each side instead of down the middle.

  2. Hi Katie,
    Thanks for the tip. I had forgotten that. I also forgot I should be throwing my wefts from opposite sides since I am weaving on opposites. This rug weaving isn't for slackers! ;-)

  3. I am using this shuttle now too, and i like it

    best wishes wiebke
