Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Guild Day in Cabool

After several months of crazy weather our Cabool Guild was able to meet again. Vicki gave an excellent program on her explorations with Shadow Weave. She discussed the Atwater method with us and plans on giving a workshop next month on the Powell method.


We also did a little weaving. Wool -warp and weft. The lesson here "You place wool, you beat cotton". Most everyone got a chance to weave. I was talking and forgot to get everyone's picture.

 And then there was some of the show and tell I remembered to take pictures of. I am telling you, you miss a couple of meetings and it takes lots of talking and listening just to try and catch up a little. I missed taking photos of other wonderful things. I didn't get a change to see the felting stuff that Barbara brought.... Seems I was talking. I did hear out of the side of my head, that Larry made his inkle shuttle and the loom and was finding weaving on it interesting.

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