Monday, March 10, 2014

Dinner Leftovers Rug

Finished with the blue and gray rug. It ended up being 49 inches long on the loom. There is more warp, so I have gone to my 'stash' and tried to find my wool yarns. Most of my stuff is 2/18 size, so I am having to wind several ends together to get the thickness I need for another rug. And since I am using leftover yarns, I am using leftover blocks..... In other words...... I am designing at the loom.

Should have done this sampling before I jumped into the blue and gray rug. As you can see by the solid blue area, that yarn is covering the warp better.
So the moral to the Blue/Gray rug is I should have had a wider denting. Or better still "should have sampled first- not last", said Ann. Do as I say, not as I do!
Don't know how long this warp or the yarns will last, but I will continue until I run out of either/or!
I have my Breakfast Rug 
and this will be my Dinner Leftovers Rug.

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