Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tying Onto The Old Warp

When I have a threading on my loom that you want to explore more of, I sometimes tie onto the existing warp. For me this is quicker than threading the reed and the heddles one-by-one again. I have a denting and threading that I know is without errors. Unless I have a broken thread somewhere, I should be good to go!!
I will pull each thread out, one-by-one.

I am using my 'cross holder' so I have both hand free to tie the knots!

I tie the knot.

Now I am ready to pull through the reed.

I have wiggled and giggled the knots through the reed and heddles and now have it ready to roll onto the back beam. See the old warp already on the beam? That is what I tied onto.
 Tooting My Horn:
** The Arrow Rock Guild will be having its annual "Weave In" on February 24, 25, 26 (Mon, Tues. Wed.) in Arrow Rock Missouri at Browns Chapel.  This year we have settled in on a theme or focus on "Summer & Winter" weave structure and having a guest instructor Ann Maxvill, who is a member of Complex Weavers and focused on a study of Tied Unit Weaves. She has numerous samples as her work and as curiosity often gets the best of her and she starts thinking.

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