Sunday, November 3, 2013

Taquete Sample (another one)

Here I have a sample of the tie-up I told you about yesterday.
3-4, 5-6, 7-8 pattern treadles.
Weaving the different shafts together like this:
     1 + 3-4......purple
     1 +
        2 + 3-4......purple
        2 +
        2 +
This is the first color combination as you see at the bottom of this photo. I then switch the color order, I do not switch the treadling order. Depending on which color I throw first color determines what color that block is. It looks like a lots is going one, but it's really just two blocks even thought I have used six pattern shafts.

You can see, a lot of color blending is going on too. At certain angles the green+purple looks gray while the pink+green looks orange. Interesting!


  1. This really looks wonderful! May I ask: What are you doing with all of your samples? You keep it with notes like a catalogue for later projects?

    Best wishes!


  2. Yes, I will keep a sample with my notes together. I keep notebooks so if I want to do a scarf or bookmarks, I might go through the notebook for ideas. And then have all info without having to start from the beginning.

    I am also working on my Complex Weavers Tied Weaves study group submission, and when I get something I really like, I will make samples for them. And usually a scarf or towel or some other thing with what I have learned for me.

    And then I also make things out of my samples too. I have some (secret) things I have made out of some samples as party favors. I will show them later this month.

  3. Thank you for your answer! I really wish there was a weaving study group where I live... :(
    I will watch your blog for your party-favor-reveal!

