Tuesday, November 19, 2013

More S2T polychrome

Still trying to find an interesting draft to weave. I have been playing with summer and winter polychrome. According to Lillian Whipple from her "Summer & Winter To Taquete, A Lesson In How To Design and Weave In Two Basic Structures"  she says that Summer and Winter Polychrome "means one or more pattern wefts followed by a tabby".  Here I am working on two pattern shots divided by alternating tabbies.

This is a wonderful CD, be sure and check with her to see if she has any more for sale.

Here I am working on my computer with two colors. I am not showing tabby in my treadling. And I have already seen errors. I will have 12 picks of each block before I go to the next. So I will need to work on this draft.

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