Saturday, November 30, 2013


Now that I have finished weaving on the single two-tie warp, it's time to do some hemming. These small finger tip towels will make great gifts. I have a couple to work on while eating leftovers!
Woven  double Huck fashion.

Wove as Bronson Lace fashion.
A very good reference of different ways to work with 4-shaft S2T is...."Summer and Winter Study of Des Moines Weavers Guild." Marian Powell. (The publication isn't dated. )


  1. In the second picture it looks like waffle weave on the backside of the towel... is this just the pattern? Waffle weave is a two sided structure, or not?

    Wonderful weekend!


  2. Yes, it looks like waffle weave. But remember, I am working on a summer and winter (S2T) threading of the warp. I have treadled in a creative way to get this look. So it is not S&W or waffle weave... It is something that looks like something else!

    Thanks for your question and stopping by.
