Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Blue Sample

I am trying out some Shetland wool just to see what I get. I can see where I have several errors in the threading. I didn't try to weave tromp as writ, but rather I wrote down the treadling by reading my threading from the first look at this draft.

OK, here is my take on 'tromp as writ' and 'treadle as drawn-in'.
Tromp As Writ = You will weave your blocks one less thread than the threading shows you. I almost always think of these words when overshot is discussed.
Treadle As Drawn In = You weave each thread by thread as your threading shows you. This would be the words I might use if I were doing some kind of twill. I am not sure these are the accepted definitions, but that is what my brain thinks.

I forgot to tell all my Canada friends "Happy Thanksgiving Day" yesterday. I hope you had a great weekend and have lots of leftovers to eat the rest of the week!

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