Sunday, September 8, 2013

Tied Weave Scarf and Repeats

Now that I am weaving again on this single two-tie scarf, I will take the advice of Maryse and weave this 'without repeats'. I think that is a wonderful idea. Thanks Maryse!!! {check out her web page here: }

But I will try to keep track of my treadling, just in case. After all, I do want this to be a 'one of a kind' scarf, but I might need to know some day what I did. You never know.

Just like when we learn to do tabby without thinking, I will know that I will always step one or two treadles to weave in the correct order I have chosen. Stepping on two treadles at the same time become routine. I use a skeleton tie up because I don't have enough treadles to tie up the complete treadling.

1-2-2-1 pattern order, a-b-a-b tabby order

          For Example on this draft:
tie down one + pattern treadle ..two treadles used
tabby a treadle used
tie down two + pattern treadle 4  ..two treadles used
tabby b  ..two treadles used
tie down two + pattern treadle 4  ..two treadles used
tabby a treadle used
tie down one + pattern treadle 4  ..two treadles used
tabby b  ..two treadles used

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