Wednesday, September 4, 2013

More Tied Weave Scarf

While I am weaving this single two-tie unit weave scarf, I try to get into a rhythm and will always do eight picks before I move onto the next unit. I have tie downs on shafts 1 and 2, and the remaining shafts are dedicated to patterning. So for each unit I will weave eight shots (picks). Four will be with a tie down and a pattern treadle, and four with be with tabby. I have tied up my treadles below....

correction: Shaft five is 5-6-7.........
From this tie up, you will note that I will have to step on two treadles at the same time. To get tabby a- I will step on treadle one, to get tabby b- I step on treadles one and two. The same goes for the pattern shots. To weave the pattern on treadle 4, I will:
2+4, 1, 3+4, 2+3, 3+4, 1, 2+4, 2+3...... or 1, a, 2, b, 2, a, 1, b... or ......

1-2-2-1 order with a-b-a-b tabby order.

I still have not made it to the end of one repeat.


  1. I love your scarf! It would be fun to weave it completely without repeat!
    Have fun :-)

  2. I am going to study tied weaves. May I do a sample of yours? I think I understand it. Yours is beautiful.

  3. Yes, that will be fun. Keep me posted on how you do.

  4. Helen,
    I didn't give the correct tie-up. Shaft four is 5-6-8. Shaft five is 5-6-7.

    Sorry about that.
