Thursday, August 1, 2013

Woven Shibori and Crackle Experiment

This is the end of the Crackle-Woven-Shibori-Experiment.

The same, but different! Dye it before or dye it after? Both ways are fun.

The scarf on the right was a scarf where I wound the warp, dyed the warp, threaded the loom and wove a crackle draft. It is 6/2 Bamboo, 24 epi. I should have gone with an 20 epi.

The scarf on the left is woven on that same threading, and the same treadling (a woven shibori treadling). After the weaving, I dyed it. This one is 10/2 Tencel, 24 epi. It has a nice drape.


  1. They are both very pretty. Is the end result what you expected? Would you do it again? I like them both but since I'm not a dy-er...I'm not sure what has been learned.

  2. They are both beautiful but I really love how the woven shiori treading came out. It is so different. Did it turn out the way you expected it to?
