Monday, July 15, 2013

Woven Crackle Shibori

Woven Crackle Shibori - Woven Crackle Shibori - Woven Crackle Shibori
(Say that real fast three times!)

Here is the 'normal' crackle draft with sample and the new draft with its 'tweeked' tie-up on right. (see arrow?)

Now that I have finished the Crackle scarf, I was thinking....... why not use the threading and treadling from the crackle draft and maybe work some slight of hand and do a woven shibori scarf?  Now you are wondering how I could do that if my longest float is only three threads long. Well, I am going to do some messing-around with the tie -up to get me some long floats.

I am tying onto the crackle threading. See how my cross-holder is a big help!! Hands free knotting!

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