Friday, July 19, 2013

Hand Painted Crackle Scarf

Finished twisting the fringe on the crackle scarf. It is fine. But I think it would have been a lot better if I had dented the 6/2 bamboo at 18 or 20 epi. It's OK, but could have had more drape. I think I like the extra bit of twill work at the one edge. Makes you wonder just what the weave structure is!


  1. That is just is 6/2 bamboo?
    Very very nice.
    And I am always pulled up short by your blog title, "Weaving for Fun", since that is what I started out to do, and next thing you know I have a business.........rethinking all that. :)

  2. Beautiful! I'm so enjoying following your blog...learning a lot too. Thank you!

  3. I did not expect that it will be so beautiful.

  4. I happened on your blog. Love watching your progression of work. What did you have the 6/2 bamboo set at? The colors are beautiful.

  5. Wow! This scarf is so amazing, and I like that it is your new header for the page. Everytime I go and look what you are up to now, I can see it and it always puts a big smile on my face. Just beautiful :D

    Marion from Germany (who doesn´t have a google or blogger account...)

  6. Sorry Helen, your comment just showed up... I set the 6/2 bamboo at 24 epi. I think next time I will sett it at 20 epi.
