Sunday, June 30, 2013

Painted Warps Dry

Now for the hard part............ waiting for everything to dry before I really know what I have. You really love the colors when your warp chains are wet, but you really need to wait until they are dry to get the 'real deal'.

I think I was thinking that I would take the fuchsia chain and combine it with the one beside it. It's the purple-ish chain. These were to weave the Bateman Boulevard draft I had picked out. But then again, maybe I will find some other draft to weave before I get them on the loom! Since I have the fustian on the big loom, I will put these colorful chains on the Baby Wolf. I also have some warp left on the table loom for some Theo Moorman.... A happy weaver is one with something on all their looms at the same time!

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