Thursday, June 27, 2013

More Fiber Fun - Painted Warp

As I continue to weave the fustian yardage, I am also getting ready for a dye workshop this weekend. I found this fiber while at Midwest Weavers Conference 2013. I think I will dent it 24 epi. But I "might" sample first.
I am winding four yards. I plan on weaving a scarf. Because I will be painting this warp I have tied in in several places to keep it in order. I will loosely tie it so the dye can penetrate all the fibers.  

Her is where I have found my inspiration for the colors I will paint this warp. I love this magazine. (It's free if you live in Missouri.) So now I have my threads, the colors I will try to match and the draft. This draft is from the book INTERLACED, page 124. ASCOT scarf by Suzanne Rothstein. I think this boulevard weave will look really great with a painted warp. 

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