Friday, June 7, 2013

Errors Start Early

Being on a deadline is not a good thing when you only weave for the fun of it! But a deadline I have.

I must get this loom warped and ready for my pre-conference workshop with Nadine Sanders at Midwest Weavers June 17th. Well, I must say that this is one error I have never done before: I forgot to go through the reed first! This is my new 12 shaft Leclerc table loom and I am not all that familiar with it -yet.

I  very carefully made sure I had gone through the correct heddle. I just forgot to go through the reed first!

I am denting 2-1 in a 12 dent reed.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my. Here's my bonehead error: during my first time teaching a group of beginning weavers I didn't take the warp around the back beam - yes, I went straight from the heddles to the warp beam on the example loom. Fortunately: short warp. But for a few minutes my teaching partner and I couldn't figure out why the shed was so awful on such a great Macomber loom! We called it performance anxiety :)
