Monday, June 24, 2013

Drive home from Midwest Weavers Conference

What a wonderful time I had. Lots of wonderful ideas. Met some great weavers and saw some old friends. I think every weaver should go to at least one weaving conference at least once! The 'goodie' bag was the best ever!! Beautiful campus at Emporia State University, KS. I even splurged every day with a Starbucks coffee.

The fashion show was wonderful. And yes, I left my entry at home! Maybe I can enter it in the next Midwest Weavers Conference that will be in Minneapolis-St. Paul June 15-20, 2015.

In the members exhibit that I entered, I received a 2nd place for my Prairie Shawl. WhooHoo!!!  I was scored a 93 out of 100 on my green/cream runner (it's on the banner of this blog), and a 95 on the side-by-side overshot runner.

I want to again thank the Hand Weavers Guild of America for the Mearl K. Gable II Memorial Grant and the Weavers of the North Shore for the funds to attend the pre-conference class. I now know the general technique of weaving the Theo Moorman Technique. I see some Theo Moorman woven items in my future. But I also want to do some of the lace techniques that Robyn Spady introduced to me and of course more Crackle thanks to Susan Wilson.

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