Thursday, February 7, 2013

Green Weaver Rose

Green wasn't my first choice for this Weaver Rose draft. But hey, sometimes you need to go with the flow and use what ya got. I guess I wasn't really thinking when I ordered 10/2 for warp and weft. Duh! I wasn't making bookmarks, I was going to try to make a blanket. So instead of waiting another two weeks to order and get the right size of yarn, I am forging ahead.

So here are the facts:
     Weaver Roses of Rhode Island - book
     Draft - Ladey Washington
     Warp - 12/2 rayon (yes, mistake)
     Weft - Green acrylic (looks like wool)
     Tabby - same as warp

That rayon went onto the loom very-very nice and my tension is really-really nice too. Of course, I may never be able to wash this, but who knows, if it doesn't turn out as a blanket, I can always make some tote bags, pillows, slip covers, pin cushions..................................... 'cause you know this pattern isn't going to be that easy to match. Learning Lessons as I weave for fun!!


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