Friday, January 25, 2013

Threading the Heddles

Now onto threading the heddles.

I will sit at the back of my loom when I do this. This is the part where you want to really pay attention. I like to take my time with this part and not do too much at a time. It keeps the mistakes down.

I usually tie bundles of 15 ends together when I am doing 30 epi. It's another way to try and keep the heddle threading in check. If I were doing 20 epi, I would tie bundles of 10. This will also help me when I tie onto the back beam because it is a sectional beam and the slots are one inch slots.

(I am sure they are not called 'slots', but that is what I call them.) If you know the correct word, please let me know.


  1. Perhaps I am a bit weird...but I really enjoy warping my loom! I find it quite meditative....
    I am sure your warp will be fine x x

  2. i usually warp front to back on my sectional beam too :) (only my norwood has 2"sections)im glad to know that someone else out there does it too.

  3. Heather, good to know.... I thought I was the only one too!

  4. I warp from the back, as well. I thread in sections of the threading pattern (don't have a sectional beam). I thread, count twice, tie and move the pin that keeps track of where I am. I am fortunate that my husband is cooperative .... he rolls the warp onto the back beam while I do the tension in the front. He's gotten very good at this, since I have 5 looms.
