Monday, January 21, 2013

A Little Sleying

Not like yesterday, where I was laid back and lazy, today there was some progress on the Weaver Rose "Ladey Washington" coverlet draft.

I am using a 15 dent reed and denting 30 epi, or two per dent. This part of the process is when I can let my mind wander and think about what the finished project might look like. When it comes time to thread the heddles, I will have to start thinking again. Sometimes a very hard task for me!

Wow, I looked and yesterday was my 100th post about OVERSHOT. I guess that is one of my favorite weave structures. I think I like it because I "get it". I like the looks of crackle and summer and winter on more than four, but don't truly understand them. YET! I am sure as the year progresses, I will do more exploring with Crackle and S&W and more...............

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