Sunday, November 25, 2012

Weaver Rose #156

Yesterday I was working on draft #156 to see what it would look like as-drawn-in and also in a point twill. Well, now I wanted to see what it would look like treadled as a network twill. (I think that is what you call it.) I would treadle 1-2-3, 2-3-4, 3-4-1, 4-1-2 repeat...... 

I once gave a Creative Overshot workshop where we put on a 400 thread draft. There were several different designs with that thread count, so we might have had Wandering Vine threaded on our loom, but we would treadle it as Christmas Rose or Johanna Speck. Threading once and treadling several different ways is my idea of 'getting the most out of a warp'!!!!

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