Saturday, November 17, 2012

S&W Two More Towels Finished

Here are a couple more of the summer and winter on four shafts finger tip towels finished! (what a mouth full) ......

I like this one that only has a band of the pattern work on the bottom edge. This would be one that could go in the bathroom or kitchen. Remember those small finger tip towels that your grandmother always had in the bathroom for company to use. This one would fit right in with that concept.  

Now, this one in it's Christmas colors would be a good gift given with some sugar cookies and tea. Yum!!


  1. Lovely! I have read that overshot draws in more than plain weave, but it looks like it wasn't a problem here in the towel with the overshot border. Is there a secret to it? Thanks!

  2. This towels border was woven traditional summer and winter.

    I think since I used 8/2 cotton for warp, weft, and tabby that it helped with the draw-in. (18 epi in reed).

    And I also used a floating selvedge to help with the edges.
