Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Overshot and Roses - A Starting Place

I have ventured into the world of colonial overshot. I am studying the book "The Weaving Roses of Rhode Island" a book published by Interweave Press. Like most of the old colonial drafts that were written on any available paper, there were omissions and errors. And the way they drafted was not like how I learned to draft. So, this will be a big learning curve for me.

The first draft of Weaver Rose's I am tackling is one called Shuckeroon's Fancy. I am not sure what that means. I have never heard the word 'shuckeroon' before. Any ideas?????

It says he recorded this "on rather mussed brown paper." While working on this I have added to the draft to give it an edge treatment that will allow me to sew the example into a pillow top. I think I kept to his original pretty much, and know there are a few treadling errors (on my part). I will treadle this 'tromp as writ', so that will take care of any my treadling errors shown on this drawn down. (Weaver Rose had some errors of himself in his threading) ;-)

Here is what I have got so far.

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