Sunday, October 14, 2012

Special Sock Number Three

The perfect waiting room activity: Sock Knitting!!

I had a few people ask me what I was dong. The one comment I smiled about was when one lady told another I was crocheting socks. I do know you can crochet socks, but I was knitting, with four needles, no less !  I even know you can knit socks with one circular needle or even wooden double pointed needles.  I just happen to use four- steel double pointed needles. Some times us 'old dogs' just don't want to change, or learn new tricks. I have tried the wooden needles, but got a splinter once. So back to my trusty steel needles.

Three down, three to go!


  1. Ann, sock number three is just a pretty as it's previous mates! You really knit fast, I am jealous. Love the little rosepath people decoration, very cute -- did you weave it?

  2. Thanks! Yes, I wove the girls. I pretend they look like me. I used to have red hair.
