Friday, August 24, 2012

Progress on Overshot and Summer and Winter

Some progress was made on the overshot warp. I am still dreaming of the different color combinations that I can use on this warp. Since it will have two colors side by side, I think the first choices will be red and green. But I really need to finish getting this on the loom!

I am also working on preparing a workshop for my local guild. This program will be on Summer and Winter... but as we know, that's referred to as "single-two tie". I am planning on two days to play with this weave structure.

The workshop will be geared to the four shaft loom. Most of my explorations has been on eight shafts, so it's been fun weaving samples on just four. I hope I have a few sign-up, as I think it will be an informative workshop.  

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