Thursday, August 30, 2012

More Guild Meeting

More guild photo's!  Awesome things we weavers make. Barbara brought a gourd she had woven on, but I forgot to get a photo of that. 

Katie (a link to her blog is on my blog- Hay Creek Handwovens)  gave an excellent program on how to make a draw-down. I am sorry I didn't get a photo of that either, but the thinking was intense, at least on my part.  

I think between the learning and fellowship, we can't wait until the next meeting.  

Bo- dying with Indigo on wool and cotton

Bo- silk scarves

Bo- silk and  RUST.

Jane- Friendship Overshot Coverlet with crocheted edge.

Carolyn- made on sock machine!

Barbara- Nuno Felting

Barbara- Nuno Felting

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