Sunday, July 1, 2012

Complex Weavers June 2012 Journal

Received my Complex Weavers June 2012 Journal in the mail! The new color version is awsome and the articles are excellent!! Complex Weavers is an all volunteer organization. Not only do they produce a first class Journal, they have a web presence, and host Seminars .

Of course I don't say all this because I have an article in there and I share a two page spread with  Linda Davis . I say this because it is an great weaving community to belong too. Our Bateman Study Group is one of the featured articles along with the Crackle Study Group.There are several other excellent articles. You have to be a member to receive the Journal. But well worth the cost IMHO.  

My article is titled 'Snowpeas in a Park Weave'. (The sample I did is what I have used on the banner of this blog.) This study group is exploring Dr. William Bateman's work. Virginia Harvey organized his work into six monographs that our group will explore over the next six years. This monograph is Park Weave, Shuttle Craft Guild Monograph Thirty-Seven. For more information about this study group or anything Complex Weaver, visit here: Complex Weavers

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