Sunday, May 13, 2012

Woven Shibori Scarf Two

I finished scarf one and now I have started on scarf two using the woven shibori technique. I am still using the same threading I used for the red/black scarf. (That is the one that has combined twill and huck.) But for this I have picked to use only treadles two and six of the draft for my resist threads. I am doing each pattern treadle twice with the four picks of plain weave between.

Four rows of plain weave
Treadle 2 with resist thread
Four rows of plain weave
Treadle 2 with resist thread
Four rows of plain weave
Treadle 6 with resist thread
Four rows of plain weave
Treadle 6 with resist thread
Four rows of plain weave 

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