Friday, May 18, 2012

Woven Shibori, one down one to go!

One scarf down, another to go........ The six inch scarf is now one and a half inches wide. 

Now you may be thinking that there is a lot of prep work before you ever get to dye your scarves. But from here all I have to do is soak in soda ash water, dye, batch, dry, pull out threads, wash, dry, iron, done!!!

I will be getting together with the Weaving Divas for our yearly Dye Day on June 2nd to apply the dye to these scarves.  I hope to have a couple of regular warp chains ready to dye that day also. It's an event I look forward to each year. 
You can just barely tell the difference in the shades of yellow between the two scarves. The idea was to not have stark white peaking out when the dying is all said and done. Click to enlarge. 

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