Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Woven Shibori continues some more

Before I pull the resist threads, I am going to dye both scarves a light yellow. And since this color will be in the background, it doesn't even have to be even. 'Splotchy' is good! (I am not really sure that is a word)......

Soaking in soda ash water.
Now I will put one scarf in a weak solution of water and lemon yellow fiber reactive dye. I don't want the background color to be very bold, so I have watered down the dye quite a bit. But I do need to remember that it will be lighter when dry.

I think this might be to light when dry, so I will add a 'pinch' of hot pink and dye the second scarf.

The next step is to wrap the scarves in cling wrap and let it batch overnight. Then I will unwrap them and let them dry completely before I can pull the resist threads. This should take another day..... so, I will maybe do some knitting, wind a warp, design a new draft, or maybe get my paper work done for the Complex Weavers Samples The Old Fashion Way...... so much to do, so little time!!!!!!

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