Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A New Project

One of the projects I am going to do comes from two different places. I have enjoyed looking back through my weaving books at all the wonderful drafts, weave structures I had forgotten about, and drafts with more shafts than I will ever have. One of the books was COMPLEX WEAVERS GREATEST HITS. I knew it was full of lots of drafts with lots of shafts. But sometimes it's fun to dream. It does have some drafts for four and eight shafts. It's a wonderful place to get inspiration. I saw the "Heart Throb Twill' by Kim Bunke of Wisconsin. It's eight shafts, and I love the heart. So I proceeded to plug the draft into my computer weaving software and came up with a runner I could do.

I kept thinking I had seen this before. When I looked in my library, I saw THE BEST OF WEAVERS - TWILL THRILLS and it on the front cover. That book I had purchased four or more years ago. I bought it because of that photo on the front cover. But in that book, it was woven in sewing thread. Well, I put that aside because I didn't think I could weave with sewing thread.

The point I am trying to make is this. These wonderful weavers share their drafts with us and hope that we will make them our own. I know now that I can change the size, colors, fibers to fit my loom and fit my needs. Sometimes it only works if you follow their 'cookbook' directions. But I think they would be excited to see how we have interpreted their work. So thank you Kim Burke of Wisconsin for sharing your draft with me.

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