Monday, February 13, 2012

Counting At The Warping Board

I have decided on two projects. I will be putting a warp on the 10 shaft Macomber and a warp on the 8 shaft Baby Wolf. So I will be at the warping board for a while.

When I wind a warp, I will count out five ends at the bottom of the warping board and then slide them aside, I do this five times. I now have five bundles of five, so that is fifty ends.

In this photo I have done this twice and put the 100 ends in a looper. I now have three bundles of five (30 ends) and have counted out 5 more (10 ends). So I have a total of 40 ends.  When I finish this count of fifty, I will put them in the looper too. Giving me 150 ends.

 I learned this way of counting from my good friend and weaving teacher Jeff R. It works for me!

FYI, blue curtains are woven in 4 shaft huck.

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